================================================================ Title :Bridge Assault. Release Date :February 27, 1996. File Names :SAVEGAME.700 ----> The savegame file. SAVEGAME.701 ----> The Harder version. BASSAULT.TXT ----> This .TXT file that you're reading now. Author :Me, Eric. Misc. Author Info :So here is the first mission I managed to finish. (I started on another one, but I think it was bit more complicated than what I should have started out with. <:O ) It's not very big, but I think it serves its purpose of getting my feet wet in mission design... Description :A light Nod force has managed to penetrate deep behind GDI lines to capture a bridge. Although the small defence force was well established with a turret emplacement and guard towers, the enemy was able to take control of the position after a quick and deadly battle. It is not known whether the defences were destroyed outright during the battle, or if they were captured intact. Also, we do not know how many of the attackers remain in the area, or in what condition their forces are. The recapture of this bridge intact is vital to our efforts in this sector, as it is the only crossing available for maintaining supply to our forward units in the north. Unless this transport bottleneck is reopened quickly, GDI forces in this sector may be immobilized from lack of fuel and ammo and be overun as a result. Your Mission :You will lead a light force which is to be air-dropped somewhere south of the bridge. The team is to recapture the bridge by destroying any enemy forces which may be holding the position. As we do not know what the condition or strength of the enemy is, you must proceed with caution. While the enemy may (or may not be) fatigued and the defensive positions destroyed/damaged, this cannot be counted on. Assume the enemy is present in force. Because this attack occurred well behind the front line, it would be safe to say that Nod engineers have/are wiring the bridge for demolition, in case of its recapture. This must not be allowed to happen. Good Luck! Instructions : Copy files to C&C directory. Load the save game. (they'll be titled Bridge Assault and Bridge Assault (harder) ) Additional Credits to : Creators of CCMAP21,CCMANU20.TXT, MIXMAN, and, C&C. ================================================================ * Play Information * Side and Level # : GDI mission #1 Map Information : Small map, no production. Tested and Made for : C&C 1.18p English version. Single Player : Yes Difficulty : Medium (if approached correctly). Difficult for the harder version (but I was still able to beat it without cheating...) * Construction * Base : Right from scratch. Build Time : About 5-6 hours, including the time to write this, and some testing. Editor(s) used : CCMAP21, MIXMAN Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * You may do whatever you want with this file. * Where to get this level * Check out the TEMPLE OF THE CONQUEROR website, or else it should be at some other site, somewhere... out there...